Climate Adaptation

Tackling the affects of climate change by designing and developing adapted systems and infrastructure in both the built and social environments.

Hemp Rebar designed for reinforced concrete. Research by Alexandros Tsamis.

CASE is examining the affects of climate change in both the built and social environments. Our research explores how cities will be able to accommodate environmental transformations such as upgrades and retrofits to both historic and contemporary building systems, evolving human migratory patterns, and improving living standards.

Additionally, CASE is tackling the pressing need for adapted systems and infrastructure to address heating and cooling, rising water levels and increased flooding, and cost effective construction. Climate adaptation is our focus to design and build flexible systems that consider the interplay between natural and built ecologies through the design of integrated material, energy, and information systems while incorporating the anticipation of continuous and rapid change. Adaptation implies the consideration of time and we are dedicated to adapting existing systems to the effects of climate change and creating new systems that are adaptable themselves.

Applications and translations of climate adaptation are:

• Flexible and sustainable building envelope construction

• Support of coastal ecosystems and biodiversity

• Implementation of green infrastructure

• Exploring recycled and upcycled materials for construction and building adaptation Circular Economies