
Accessories and Apparel

254-260 Canal Street

Our proposal consists of deconstructing and reconstructing an existing office building located at 254-260 Canal Street. Converting the offices into residential space, an additional retail area was designed to produce income for the building. In order to be self-sustaining, our proposal will generate bio-leather, utilizing materials cultivated and brought from the surrounding area. The resulting leather would then be crafted into a variety of items including bags, purses, and other cosmetics which would be sold. The proposed interior wall would act as a display shift for the first floor and as an alternative interior wall for the residential floors, consisting of multiple hexagonal cells.

Project Date: Spring 2023

CASE Faculty: Fleet Hower

Course: Architectural Design Studio

CASE Students: Kelvin Lee & Jaedan Bussey



Boardwalk Farms


The Hive