Jonathan Marcos

Jonathan Marcos, originally from the NYC metro area, is a CASE alumni through the Arch Away program. He is a Bachelor of Architecture student at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. In his time at school, Jonathan focused on utilizing Architecture as a tool for tackling trending social problems, from designing an apartment complex suited for rehabilitating PTSD-ridden veterans, to designing a theoretical Shein complex in 30 Rockefeller Plaza that criticizes practices of fast-fashion.

At CASE, Jonathan worked alongside Joshua Draper and Fatima Javeed to add-on prototype smart-lighting and ventilation systems in Draper’s ongoing Friendship Cabins project by developing scripts and printing 3-D print modules. Jonathan also worked on an urban proposal to reduce urban sprawl in the Hudson Valley and a trash-infested pavilion during his time in the program.

Jonathan’s work has been published and exhibited by suckerpunchDAILY, the Future of Small Cities Institute, RPI’s Influx series, and has been awarded the 2021 RPI Comprehensive Portfolio Award and 2022 NESEA Be the Future Scholarship. Jonathan also currently works part time for EASTON COMBS Architects, and is an ongoing Teaching Assistant for RPI’s Comprehensive Design and Visual Studies courses.


Ethan Aspiras


Gabriela Toscano