High Efficiency Solar Energy Systems

Next Generation High-Efficiency Solar Power Systems for Building Envelopes
The Integrated Concentrating Solar Facade (ICSF) is a building-integrated photovoltaic system that takes a dramatically different approach to providing interior space with electrical power, thermal energy, enhanced daylighting, and reduced solar gain. It surpasses existing building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) or concentrating PV technologies in these benefits, and is applicable to both retrofits and new construction. The system integrates architecturally into facades and atria, harvesting solar energy, while still providing outside views and diffuse daylight for the building users. ICSF accomplishes these benefits by miniaturizing and distributing the essential components of concentrating PV technology within the weather-sealed windows of building envelopes. Electricity is produced by an array of PV cells, and much of the remaining solar energy is transported out of the façade as captured, usable heat. The sum effects of ICSF are these valuable energy resources, reduced interior solar gain loads, which reduces loads on HVAC systems, and enhanced interior daylighting quality, which reduces the need for inferior artificial lighting. The design and operation of the system permits direct partial viewsheds by building occupants which change and flow over the course of the day, furthering occupants' engagement with their environs. The modular design compliments a range of existing building structures, or, implemented in new designs, offers bold design opportunities. ICSF has been developed through a series of prototypes, and is currently integrated into building envelopes.
Project Date: 2015
Researchers: Anna Dyson, Matt Gindlesparger, Peter Stark, Jason Vollen, Nick Novelli, Kenton Phillips, Mohamed Aly, Brandon Andow, Satoshi Kiyono
Collaborators: SOM, SHoP, BEESL Labs in Syracuse, NY, Arzon Solar