Advanced EcoCeramic Envelope Systems


High Performance Masonry Systems

The increasing pressure on finite natural resources from global demand for construction materials combined with rising energy consumption is forcing the construction industry to look for low-impact and less energy intensive alternatives. This presents a need for abundant materials that can meet demanding performance criteria. Oxygen, Silicon, and Aluminum compose the majority of the Earth's crust, and are readily found as silica and aluminum silicates that can be directly used for the production of ceramics. Ceramic materials can be used in diverse applications and continuously reclaimed as high quality materials saving more precious resources. Composites and coatings augment ceramic materials for high performance architectural applications with particular material response tuned to local climate criteria.

A portion of this research was conducted at The University of Arizona, reprinted with permission of the authors.


Project Date: 2016

Researchers: Jason Vollen, Kelly Winn

Sponsors: American Institute of Architects, Boston Society of Architects, University of Arizona


Building Integrated Water Recuperation Systems


Solar Enclosure for Water Reclamation and Thermal Control