Habib Nahouta

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Habib Nahouta graduated from CASE with a Master of Science in Architecture, Geofutures. Coming from Cameroon, he graduated with a Civil Engineering Degree from Ecole Nationale Superieure Polytechnique de Yaoundé, which is one of the top engineering schools in West and Central Africa. Habib is a passionate visual artist. His competences include Painting, Illustration and Digital arts.

Nahouta is currently a Structural Engineer at KCI technologies, in Albany, NY. After CASE Nahouta served as a Project Manager at Hyman Hayes Associates in Latham, NY focusing on mix of architectural and structural design projects.

While at CASE he chose to combine his artistic interests, with his engineering background to design his Master’s Project the Design of Futuristic Dams and Breakwaters, along with innovative and sustainable floating energy production systems, based on microalgae cultivation.

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Prachi Ghatwai


Mia Rogers